Prayer & fasting
Prayer and Fasting:
Friday, July 1, 2022 and
Saturday, July 2, 2022
You are invited to join us on Zoom for our next Prayer and Fasting session.
To join in the meetings, use the information below for each date. We look forward to having you with us for this spiritual and uplifting experience.
Friday, July 1, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting Online:
Dial by your location (Toronto): 647 374 4685 or 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 988 6857 4714
Password: 280111
Find your local number:
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting Online:
Dial by your location (Toronto): 647 374 4685 or 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 934 6722 8069
Password: 280111
Find your local number:
Prayer Throughout the Week
Prayer Line - Mondays (11:00 a.m.) and Thursdays (7:00 p.m.)
Mid-Week Prayer Meeting - Wednesdays (7:00 p.m.)
View calendar, then click on a date to view the Zoom login info.